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“What you won’t find here is the same-old-same-old. Not a fossil to be seen. Just a bunch of bold, brash, brand new stories on which the ink is barely dry…”
From the foreword of issue #1 by Mike Carey
- Out of the box is a comic book anthology of 5 stories in chapters.
9 different authors will lead you through completely different art styles and genres, to tell exciting stories with unexpected turns.
- Explore the derelict western world of Ghost Dance (Parisi, Di Virgilio), where vampires, werewolves, demons and monstrosities of all kinds will give a hard time to enchanted gunslingers and shapeshifter shamans.
Discover an ancient mythology, perpetrated for centuries by a magical order that knows the secret of the creation of the worlds, in the two space-based stories: The copper roll (Freschi, Colangelo) and The old man and the Treasure of Treasures (Green, Nanni, Borelli). The first an action space opera, the second a measured road story with unexpected protagonists.
Still shamans, but Mongols this time, are the protagonists of The turquoise wolf and the tawny doe (Masi, Zaccarini), while the Mayan mythology is the basis of the crazy scientific experiments that you will find in Project Hummingbird (Green, D’Urso).
- Each volume consists of more than 100 color pages, with inserts by authors like Daw, EKRA, Massimiliano Favazza, and international guests like Jenncomics, Berkeley Mews and Mike Carey.
- Out of the box is funded through Kickstarter. Keep an eye on the Space Otter profile to be ready to follow the adventures of your favorite characters!
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