It is a Role Playing Game with Old-School vibes in which players play a group of wretched characters from a fantasy and fairy-tale world populated by the most absurd creatures ever seen.
are the key words of the game, which is based on DecKreative, the “randomizer” deck of cards created by Space Otter, which will become available in english within the DecKarnage campaign.

DecKarnage winks a lot at games like Munchkin, the Borderlands video game series, the graphic novel I hate Fairyland and the famous Happy Tree Friends series.
Play sessions are time-limited, they are always different thanks to the card-based game system, and they are perfect even for those who have never played a RPG.
The authors are Silvia de Vincenzi and Osiride Luca Cascioli, founders of BlaSt Games and authors and editors of role-playing games, specialized in accessible and inclusive writing.
The designer is Erika “EKRA” De Giglio, author of DecKreative.
Among the Stretch Goals, adventures written by Valentino Sergi (Brancalonia, Blood Sword), Alessandro Piroddi (Fantasy World), Daniele Fusetto (The Nights of Nibiru), Davide Franceschi and Andrea Sbragia (Rockopolis).
DecKarnage – bundled with DecKreative – will be launched on Kickstarter at the “ZineQuest” event, dedicated to stapled RPGs, ironically on Valentine’s Day.
Basic rewards at affordable prices (20€ the manual of about 60 pages, plus the deck of 54 cards), Deluxe versions with Master’s screen and hi-quality character sheets, and also limited editions with customization of heroes and monsters.
The game will have two editions – italian and english – and international shipping.
Following the link you can subscribe to receive the notification of the start of the campaign, from which you will be able to download the Quickstart from day one, to have a rich demonstration of the game.
And here’s the trailer of the game.